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Today made me pretty happy. Got my hair cut...rather short actually. Ooo and I voted!
Besides doing laundry, the highlight of my day was that I got to sit outside and look at the leaves. This is my favorite season, I like to just stare up at the branches. I walked to a park by my house and actually finally wrote something. Hopefully I will edit them enough to put up here sometime. Sometimes, but only sometimes, I miss being home.
Going back to Drake tomorrow, but I think I'm going to have to draft all night long. Oh well, I will have my music to keep me company while drafting a lamppost with multiple views! Plus, sushi on Wednesday w/Mike & Matt I believe. Wooot.
alright, so apparently I won't ever get the hang of this whole updating regularly thing. just deal.
So I'm back at my house now, and seriously not even an hour into being here, my mother has gotten mad at me. Do I know why? For once, no. You would assume that telling a parent that you have potential job opportunities for the summer pertaining to your major that they would be happy right? wrong. wrong. wrong.
Anyway, I don't want this to turn into a rant. So. These past couple weeks have been strange. My head is confused, which is lame, I like knowing what is going on at least within my own mind.
Also, I have been reminiscing about "home" but I've come to realize that all the good times I'm remembering are not with my parents or at my house. Which in a way is sad, but honestly it doesn't matter anymore. This weekend my plans are to spend most of my time with friends, and hopefully I'll see my grandma too.
Let's see, last weekend I went home with one of my roomies, Amanda, that was sweet, even though it was Wisconsin. We went to her house right outside Madison, then to Milwaukee for a day. I had fun, we watched trashy tv shows and actually acted a tad bit like girls for a while, until we freaked ourselves out.
Ooo also, we rearanged our living room in the apartment and added a futon. Freakin sweet.
Then this sorta short week got kinda weird, but got through it by working on papers, drafting, hanging lots of lights, and cooking last night with Mike & Avery. That was a good time. Plus I got to make cookies. Yay. Although now I think it's my turn for a backrub.
So tomorrow going to St. Cloud with Tyler to watch a Huskies game. Wooooot I love hockey. I'm still a little bitter about the fact that Drake doesn't have a team. Laaaaaaame.
I want to write something more entertaining than my real life, so hopefully this will be a productive writing time and fun fall break.