So today is a new day, and right now its actually sunny! hope that lasts. Yesterday I noticed that everything happens for a reason, even if they seem bad at the time. Good things are coming out of it already, so thats a plus I think. And so begins the next four days of my life, working 4-close. wooo... Today I think Barnes & Noble might be a possibility, seeing as I have no new books and it is summer, the best time for reading. Anyway, happy reading to you too:
Chatter. Chatter. Loophole.
Save yourself, as is your mannerism.
The burning edges of the leaf smokes out any chance
Of a gasping breath.
Worth is something to comprehend.
Not hardly,
but a greatness that we cannot attain.
And now, we’ve smashed up against this brick wall.
Nothing can faze you now.
Those eyes that made me shiver have gone dead.
No more joy or laughter.
What used to make sense, confuses me now,
Like nothing I have ever known.
Chatter. Chatter. You still can’t tell.
Loophole. You catch and swing right through.
Still smoldering, the leaf is shriveling,
no longer vibrant green, smaller it becomes.
As we go down the line, you notice a blank stare lurking in the shadows.
15 years ago
1 comment:
you're really good at this writing... i wish i was a tenth of how amazing you are... seriously i love reading your stuff.
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